Financially Healthy Families: Inheritances and Financial Planning

Episode Description

Join us as we draw the curtains on our three-part series about inheritances and windfalls. Are you finding it hard to discuss health and financial matters with your family? We know these conversations can be burdensome, but they are of vital importance, especially as windfalls often arrive during challenging times. Let's help you steer these discussions in the right direction.

Ever wondered about the dynamics of family businesses? We delve into the significance of earning your stripes before entering the family arena. Hear us discuss why it's crucial for family members to build their resumes outside the business before bringing their skills and fresh perspectives to the table. We also share tips on how to foster productive family discussions to ensure smooth transitions.

Finally, we underline the essence of communication in financial planning and the necessity of equipping adult children with the skills to manage their inheritance responsibly. From understanding the pros and cons of the 'Bank of Mom and Dad' to setting the right boundaries and teaching kids financial responsibility, we cover it all. Our conversation wraps up with insights on enhancing family discussions about money and the need to learn from our past mistakes. Tune in to make these conversations less daunting and more engaging!


Thanks to our sponsor, S.E.E.D. Planning Group! S.E.E.D. is a fee-only financial planning firm with a fiduciary obligation to put your best interest first. Schedule your free discovery meeting at

Ditch the Suits is produced by NQR Media. NQR also produces the One Big Thing Podcast with Steve Campbell.

You can watch all episodes, as well as other great content produced by NQR Media through their YouTube channel at

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Episode Transcript

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John Carter

Entrepreneur & Podcaster

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