That's not quite right...

Do you have a secret?

We’re talking about the hundred-pound weight in a suitcase when you’re late for your flight type of secret.

Do you just keep dragging this secret around behind you, holding yourself back from getting where we want to go?

Is it a secret because you want it to be, or because you don’t know who to tell, or because no one seems interested?

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We had a secret too.

We had that type of secret too, and we got tired of dragging it around. We would ask for help in sharing our secret, even offered to pay for help, and we found plenty of people willing to let us pay them to feign interest.

There’s just something not quite right about that.

The story behind our podcast

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Eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim. Id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar.

Well, we had a secret too

Click the arrow to hear our story!

We paid the price

We had that type of secret too, and we got tired of dragging it around. We would ask for help in sharing our secret, even offered to pay for help, and we found plenty of people willing to let us pay them to feign interest.

There’s just something not quite right about that.

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