Creating a Fulfilling Retired Life: It's Not All About Money

Episode Description

Are you ready to flip the script on retirement? We promise to take you on an enlightening journey where you discover that retirement is much more than a financial milestone. We'll debunk common myths and insist retirement is only 20% about money, while a significant 80% revolves around life decisions. We aim to shatter the fear-based stories that get sold to you and instead focus on achieving your bucket list goals.

Quite often, the emotional aspects of retirement get overshadowed by the financial ones, resulting in an overwhelming experience. We steer the conversation towards the importance of understanding and effective communication between partners when it comes to financial decisions.

Together, we'll navigate the path to a fulfilling retirement and learn how to make the most of your life choices. Money alone won't ensure happiness, so don't miss this opportunity to move from inspiration to transformation, creating a retirement that doesn't leave you feeling hollow.


Looking for additional content that can help you get the most from your life? Check out Unleashing Leadership with Travis Maus, premium bonus content from Ditch the Suits Fans, at

Thanks to our sponsor, S.E.E.D. Planning Group! S.E.E.D. is a fee-only financial planning firm with a fiduciary obligation to put your best interest first. Schedule your free discovery meeting at

Ditch the Suits is produced by NQR Media. NQR also produces the One Big Thing Podcast with Steve Campbell.

You can watch all episodes, as well as other great content produced by NQR Media through their YouTube channel at

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Episode Transcript

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John Carter

Entrepreneur & Podcaster

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